Rebound Rumble – 2012

Rebound Rumble℠ is played by two competing Alliances on a flat, 27 x 54 foot field. Each Alliance consists of three robots. They compete to score as many basketballs into their hoops as they can during a 2 minute and 15 second match. The higher the hoop in which the basketball is scored, the more points the Alliance receives.

Rebound Rumble Game Animation

The Match Includes:

A 15 second hybrid period in which robots can:
– Score basketballs in their hoops
– Operate using autonomous code
– Operate via a motion sensor that tracks a human player’s movements

After autonomous, Drivers control their robots from their driver stations for the remaining 135 seconds of the match, and are able to:
– Score basketballs in their hoops
– Balance on their alliance’s bridge with their partner’s robots
– Balance on the centre bridge with an opposing alliance’s robot